
History/ 회사연혁

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친환경 스마트 보일러로 다음까지 생각하는 기업

With good environmental bolier a fore-thinking company

2021 ~ 2011

  • 2021. 10 효율 94.5% 국내 최고효율 산업용 가스보일러 개발 완료 Efficiency 94.5% Completed development of the highest efficiency industrial gas boiler in Korea
  • 2020. 12 2020 한국에너지대상 효율부문 국무총리상 수상 Awarded the Prime Minister's Award in the Efficiency Sector at the 2020 Korea Energy Awards
  • 보일러 IoT시스템 소프트웨어품질인증 획득(GS1등급) Boiler IoT system software quality certification acquired (GS1 grade)
  • 2020. 10 혁신제품 지정(울트라-그린 콘덴싱 보일러) The ultra-green condensing boiler designated as an innovative product by the government
  • 2020. 01 지식재산경영인증 Certificated IP Management company.
  • 녹색기술 인증(배기가스 성분을 제어하는 울트라-그린 콘덴싱 보일러 기술) Green technology certification (ultra-green condensing boiler technology that controls exhaust gas components)
  • 2019. 03 글로벌 IP 강소기업 선정(특허청) Selected as a global IP small giant
  • 2018. 05 글로벌강소기업지정(중소벤처기업부) Certificated Global Small Giant company.
  • 2017. 05 정영화 대표이사 취임 Jung Yunghwa in to take office as new C.E.O.
  • 2017. 01 한국선급 등록(선박용 보일러 제조업) Registered in the Korea Register of Shipping
  • 2014. 02 한국환경공단 저녹스 버너 인증획득 Recognized Low-NOx burner from Korea environment company.
  • 2013. 07 녹십자 태국공장 설비 공사 The Plazma Fraction Plant in Thai Green Cross of TRC Project.
  • 2012. 04 경주 생활폐기물 처리 폐열회수
    보일러 준공 완료(처리용량 18T/Hr)
    Waste Heat Boiler and related facilities 18Ton/hr ×20 Kg/㎠
    Kyungju waste recycle center
  • 2011. 01 대림로얄이앤피(주) 상호명 변경 Renamed from Daelim Royal Boiler Co., Ltd to Daelim Royal EnP Co., Ltd.
  • 경북 프라이드 상품 인정 Renamed from Daelim Royal Boiler Co., Ltd to Daelim Royal EnP Co., Ltd.