친환경 스마트 보일러로
다음까지 생각하는 기업
With good environmental bolier a fore-thinking company
1999 ~ 1990
1999. 12
중국, 베트남, 방글라데시 사무소 개설
Opened the branch office in China and Vietnam and Bangladesh
1999. 10
고효율 에너지기자재 인증(효율 101.5%)
Obtained the certificate for high-efficiency boiler (101.5% Efficiency)
1999. 09
중국 CSQL 98249M 노동국 품질인증 획득
Obtained the license (C-SQL 98249M)-the quality certificate-from the ministry of labor of China.
1999. 07
국제품질 보증 시스템 ISO-9001 인증 획득
Obtained the certificate of ISO 9001
1998. 07
러시아정부 GOST 품질인증 획득
Obtained the GOST-the quality certificate-from the Russian Government.
1998. 02
수출유망 중소기업 선정
Designated as the export-prospective small and medium enterprise obtained the license for export and import from Government.
1993. 11
왜관공장 준공
Completed new factory in Waekwan
1990. 12
왜관공단 3,000평 신축부지 확보
Prepared new factory site about 10,000㎡ and installed new manufacturing facilities in the Waekwan industrial complex.