
History/ 회사연혁

Home Company History
친환경 스마트 보일러로 다음까지 생각하는 기업

With good environmental bolier a fore-thinking company

2010 ~ 2000

  • 2010. 12 조달우수제품 선정 (콘덴싱 보일러) Condensing Smoke(fire) Tube boiler, Certified the best goods certificate of membership from the Public Procurement Service.
  • 2010. 11 500만불 수출탑 수상 Awarded 5 million dollars export tower from Government
  • 2019. 12 방글라데시 수관식 보일러
    40Ton/hr×36 Kg/㎠ 2 Set 계약 체결
    Contract for Bangladesh Power Plant
    Water Tube Boiler 40Ton/hr×36 Kg/㎠ 2 Set
  • 2019. 11 ASME 스탬프 획득(U/S/PP/R ) Approved the certificate and stamp of ASME (U/S/PP/R)
  • 2006. 09 방글라데시 지사 설립 Opened the Branch office in Bangladesh.
  • 2004. 07 고효율 콘덴싱 관류보일러 개발 Developed a high-efficiency Condensing water-tube boiler
  • 2004. 05 전국 최다 34가지 고효율인증 획득 Obtained the certificate for high-efficiency Boiler.
  • 2003. 02 수출 300만불 달성 Achieved the export performance of 3 million dollars.
  • 2002. 02 중소기업 우수 GQ 제품마크 인증 Obtained the “ GQ " Mark an Excellent product manufacturer from Government.
  • 2000. 10 2001년 에너지위너상 수상 Awarded the 2001 Energy Winner from Government.