친환경 스마트 보일러로
다음까지 생각하는 기업
With good environmental bolier a fore-thinking company
1989 ~ 1972
1989. 05
제 2공장 설립(대구시 노원동)
Opened the second manufacturing shop at Nowon-dong, Buk-ku, In Daegu, Korea.
1987. 12
정부지정 유망중소기업 선정
Designated as the prospective small and medium enterprise from Korean government.
1987. 01
대림로얄보일러㈜로 법인 전환
Converted company to corporation of Daelim Royal Boiler Co.,Ltd.
1985. 06
조달청 입찰 참가업체 등록
Registered in the office of supply of Korea as the supply contractor
1983. 06
육용강제 보일러 제 1종 업체 허가취득
Obtained the government’s license as the first-class boiler manufacturing company.
1972. 02
대림공업사 설립(보일러 생산착수)
Established Daelim Industrial Co. (Boiler Manufacturing Co.)